The Called-Out Ones

“Now as we have many parts in one body, and all the parts do not have the same function, in the same way we who are many are one body in Christ and individually members of one another” (Romans 12:4-5).  
Can you imagine what it would’ve looked like to see Jesus walking from town to town with His disciples? A fisherman, a tax collector, shepherds, and misfits—they must have been quite the crew to see come strolling by. But Jesus wanted it that way. He took those who were not prestigious or well-educated and called them to do kingdom work.  

The Lord used these men to illustrate that the kingdom is available for anyone who follows Him. If you follow Christ, you are “called-out.” Jesus formed the Church this way. The Church is not a building or a place, but rather His own people who have chosen to follow Him. The Greek word that refers to the Church is ‘ekklesia,’ meaning “the called-out ones.” We are set apart from the world; we’ve been changed and marked by the Spirit of God.  

We hear all the time that the Church is the body of Christ, but what does that really mean? God has given each of us a place in His body. We are given a gift and a task and a purpose in His house. When each member of the body exercises their gift, they work at their task, and thereby, fulfill their purpose. All the members work together in unity just like all the parts of a body work together to function.

It’s easy to look at what others have done for God and feel inferior compared to them, but God just loves a diligent worker.  

Never think that you are inadequate to God. You’re designed for greatness, for you have been called out.

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