Satan's Opposition

“These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.” (Revelation 3:7)

Are you motivated to make a difference for Christ? If you have read these devotions over the last few days, you know it is as sure as the sky is blue that Jesus will win in the end. And if you are a believer, and you are a part of team Jesus, you will be on the winning team.

Not only are you a part of the winning team, but God has a special plan just for you. You have a destiny that God wants to fulfill in and through your life. If this isn’t exciting then I don’t know what is! When you read something like this, it gets your brain spinning. You begin to think of how you are going to change the world. And that is exactly what God wants — to use you to make a difference in the lives of those around you.

But one thing you must understand is, when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, and you have a burning passion to change the world for Christ, Satan will come after you. Hell will oppose you. Did you think Satan would just roll out the red carpet and make it easy for you? He wants you to stumble. His goal is to make you fail. But this should not frustrate you. In fact, consider it a compliment.

Satan considers YOU a threat. And that is why he will oppose you. The stronger you are in your faith, the harder he will come after you. This should not discourage you; just be prepared. And the only way to be ready is to build your faith in Christ. Because no matter what Satan does, Jesus will overcome him. And if you are following the will of God, He will not allow anyone to stop you. Trust Him and be prepared for the opposition!
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