Hiding In Plain Sight

“Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.” (Revelation 20:6)

We serve a perfect God. We know this. We know that He never makes a mistake. We know that Jesus came to earth and lived a perfect life, sinless and blameless, and died on the cross to give us a way to Him. With that being said, there is one thing God is not good at. And that is playing hide-and-go-seek. In fact, God is the worst hide-and-go-seek player in all of history. He wants to be found by you.

He hides in obvious spaces. Ever play hide-and-go-seek with a kid? You can hide in the same place over and over again. That is exactly what God does. He hides in the same place. In fact, He is not even hiding. He is always there, easily accessible and ready to be heard by you and ready for you to hear Him. He is not hiding from you. He is saying, “come and find me.”

Revelation 20:6, tells us that, “Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ will reign with him for a thousand years.” If you are on God’s team, you are blessed. He wants you to access the blessings readily available to you. But you have to stay in constant contact with Him, to know what He wants to do in your life, and as a result, be blessed for your obedience.

Do you ever wonder where God is? He is in the same place He was last time. God doesn’t move; you do. So often after God answers our prayers, we run from Him. We are thankful for what He did, and feel as if we no longer need Him once we get what we asked for. We treat Him like a genie that gives us our wishes, and then we are on our way.

But when life turns sideways and you do not know what to do, I promise you my friend, God is in the same place. He wishes that you would never run, but nevertheless, He will be there when you call. God is hiding in plain sight, and He is ready to be found!
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