Devoted to Fellowship

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to the prayers” (Acts 2:42).

They devoted themselves “…to the fellowship…”

What is fellowship? The word used in Acts chapter two is the Greek word, Koinonia, meaning ‘commonality’ or ‘community.’ The disciples didn’t just resemble one another or talk like one another—they shared the same spiritual DNA. They shared the same heart language.

We’ve been discussing how our values are what define us—actions speak louder than words, right? Our values are what draw the world in and make people hungry for the Holy Spirit because, since the fall of man, we all have desires that can only be filled by Him. One of these desires is for family.

The Church isn’t about rows; it’s about circles. The Church—the Bride of Christ—is family; it’s togetherness; it’s camaraderie and friendship and unity. We grow in circles, not in rows. In rows, you see the back of someone’s head. In circles, you see faces. Jesus grew the Church through community, showing His disciples that it matters who helps cultivate and care for you.

One of the most influential actions we as the Church can take is to get people into the family. There’s a reason why one of the most difficult punishments for criminals is to be put in solitary confinement. It’s punishment because it’s terrible to be alone. Every person wants to feel needed, valued, protected, and loved by others.

Surrounding ourselves with a community of believers to strengthen us is important, but we keep that circle open. We don’t close the circle and cut off the blessing for someone else. As we meet people and as they grow hungry for the hope that we have, it’s our priority to get them into the family. Let them in—set them a place at the table. Our front-line defense for caring for people is community—Koinonia. The heart of Jesus is to fellowship with us, and what better way for people to meet Him than for them to see Him through the eyes of family?

Don’t get it twisted—family isn’t always blood. They are the ones in the foxholes with you. They walk your road with you and show up when no one else does. Fellowship begins with family.  

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