Time Crunch

“The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord” (Lamentations 3:25-26).

Time is one of the greatest mysteries God ever made. He lives outside of it, yet we somehow live our lives in it. We can’t see it, but we rely on it daily. It’s how we make our plans and how we create goals. It’s how we wake up, cook, work, and play—everything we do is against the backdrop of time.

It’s a complete mystery and an illusion, yet there never seems to be enough of it.

Whether you’re five years old or one hundred years old, odds are, you’re waiting for something. We’re wired to always be looking ahead because we have responsibilities and obligations as well as dreams and desires that we’re working towards and praying for.

Everyone is waiting for something. Many of us are waiting for our breakthrough or for a blessing that hasn’t happened yet, and one of our worst fears is that we are running out of time.

The thought of running out of time is a horrifying notion when you’ve waited for something, you’ve worked for something, and you just can’t reach it. Perhaps you feel like you’ve been waiting long enough and you’re wondering if the Lord is ever going to provide you with the breakthrough or the blessing you’ve been hoping for.

It’s difficult to be patient in these seasons, and unfortunately, it’s become such a Christian cliché to say, “God’s timing is perfect” or “all in God’s timing,” because that’s the answer people give when they don’t know what to say. They’re just trying to speak the truth. Of course, God’s timing is perfect—He’s perfect. But that doesn’t always make a waiting season easier to endure.

Only God knows when we’re ready to receive a blessing. We can’t understand His reasons for telling us to wait, but God is no tease—His reasons are right. He doesn’t make us wait to watch us struggle like a fish on a hook. He makes us wait so that we learn to trust. You never know just how much you really trust Him until He tells you to wait.

If you’re in a season of waiting, remember, you’re not running out of time—you’re in no time crunch. God’s not going to hurry your growth and rush you through a season.
All good things take time.

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