
“Jesus replied, ‘What is impossible with man is possible with God.’ Peter said to him, ‘We have left all we had to follow you!’” - Luke 18:27-28

“Go!” When you hear that word, what do you think? Maybe you think about sitting in traffic, screaming at the person in front of you to hit the gas and get a move on it. Maybe you think about letting your kids go to their friends’ houses after they have asked you 500 times within an hour. Or maybe you think of the common sports term “Let's go!” when momentum has shifted in your team’s direction.

But what if God is wanting you to see that word entirely differently? Maybe God is trying to say something to you right now. Maybe God is telling you to “Go!” Now, only you know what He means by that. For some, it could mean GO to another state or country to live. For some, it could mean GO take that new job someone reached out to you about. Or perhaps it could be as simple as GO talk to that person you’ve been meaning to meet with.

There are countless ways the word could be used. But I believe when you see it, you already know what God is telling you to do. Perhaps just reading the title of this devotion, your heart skipped a beat because you knew right away, “this one is for me.” What has God been telling you to do that you have been putting off?

Not that you are intentionally being disobedient, but maybe you are afraid, maybe you are worried about the outcome, or you don’t have all the answers yet. And if that is you it’s OKAY. God doesn’t expect you to have all the answers right now. He will give them to you when you need them. What you must do right now is just be obedient.

We have spent the last week talking about Daniel in the lion's den. Daniel’s job was to be obedient to the Lord. Then God took care of the rest. And He will do the same for you. Today, what is God telling you to “Go” do? You will never regret obeying God. He will never take you where His grace cannot sustain you.

God is telling you “Go!” Will you respond today, or will you keep putting it off? Don’t delay anymore. Just Go!

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