What Is He Saying To Me?

“Are not two small birds sold for a very small piece of money? And yet not one of the birds falls to the earth without your Father knowing it. God knows how many hairs you have on your head. So do not be afraid. You are more important than many small birds.” - Matthew 10:29-31 
Yesterday, we talked about luck and coincidence. These words just don’t exist with God. Nothing is up to luck or coincidence; nothing is happenstance. God is in control of all things, and all things happen for a specific purpose or reason.  
When something happens in your life, it is not about trying to decipher whether or not it has a purpose. Instead, know that it has a purpose, and then ask yourself, “what is He saying to me? What does God want me to learn from this situation, circumstance, or person?” 
God might allow something to happen to teach you something very specific. Maybe He wants you to learn a lesson you just haven’t seemed to grasp yet. So He aligns circumstances or allows them in a way that is going to grab your attention. Based on earlier circumstances, you might think it is just “unlucky.” But luck played no part in it. God wants to teach you something. 
God might also allow something to happen because He wants to bless you! Maybe you have been consistently obedient. You have been disciplined with prayer, seeking Him, and have an incredible amount of dependence on God in a certain situation. God might allow circumstances to favor you because He wants to bless you!  
God might allow something to happen in your life to humble you. Perhaps, everything has been going great. And yet a series of events flips all of that. You look at two, three, maybe even five bad or unlucky things in a row happening and get frustrated. But maybe you have lost your dependence on God. You think you got it all figured out yourself, but God wants to humble you and remind you Whom you belong to. 
These are just a few of the many things God might be doing through your current and future circumstances. When something happens in your life, eliminate wasted time by forgetting about whether or not it has a purpose, and instead ask God, “Lord, what are You saying to me through this?” 
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