Your Attention

“If they listen and obey God, they will be blessed with prosperity throughout their lives. All their years will be pleasant.” - Job 36:11 
If you go to Google or YouTube and search “How do I go viral on ______,” some pretty interesting articles and videos will appear. It doesn’t matter if you are talking about YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok, the answer is the same: you have to be able to get people’s attention.  
Attention is the currency that you can turn into more clout, more sales, and more influence. Listen to any social media expert and they will tell you it is ATTENTION that is the key to getting whatever you want. And because of this, it is harder than ever to get people’s attention. With all of the different forms of technology available, you never have to spend a single moment bored.  
This can make it hard to break through to someone. But this is exactly why God will DISRUPT your life - to get your attention! As your Heavenly Father, God cares about every aspect of your life. Everything that comes in and out is either orchestrated or allowed by God. But He doesn’t just orchestrate and allow; He also disrupts. 
When you are not paying attention to what He is trying to tell you, He will disrupt your life. He will throw a curveball that completely turns everything upside down. In a matter of moments, you can find yourself asking, “God, how did I get here?” But make no mistake about it. He led you there. 
He had to disrupt your current state to get through to you so that you would fix your eyes upon Him! Job 36:11 says, “If they listen and obey God, they will be blessed with prosperity throughout their lives. All their years will be pleasant.” 
Job says “If they LISTEN.” But when you aren’t paying attention, you aren’t listening. God wants to bless you and give you a life that is the best you could possibly live, better than anything you could create on your own. But first, He needs your attention! 
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