I’ll Do That Later

“But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’” - Luke 12:20 
Has someone ever asked you to do something, but you were busy doing something you were a little more into at the moment? So when they asked you, you told them “I’ll do that later.”  
Maybe you were playing a game with your friends, and your mom asked you to take out the trash or make your bed. Maybe you were working on a big project at work and someone asked you to train a new person for a little while. Or maybe your wife asked you to mow the yard, but you still wanted to finish watching the big game. 
No matter what it is, when you said, “I’ll do that later,” you had every intention of doing it. But as time passed by and got further and further away, it slipped your mind. It wasn’t urgent in the first place, so it wasn’t urgent a little later.  
We can always push things off until later. That is the exact tactic Satan will use to keep us from doing God’s will for our lives. When God calls us to do something, we have three choices. We can say: yes, no, or later. Now, we might not be directly saying these things to God, not verbally at least. But we are saying them with our actions and how we respond to what He has called us to do. 
While “later” sounds better than no, it becomes a no when we just continue to push it off longer and longer. Listen, the enemy wants you to believe that time is always on your side, that you always have more time. But what if time actually runs out?  
What if the person you were going to share the Gospel with gets in an accident prematurely? What if that job God calls you to pursue gets filled faster than you think? What if the time you have to take advantage of your opportunity runs out?  
The truth is, you don’t have forever. Satan would like you to believe you do. But there is a time frame for everything. You can keep believing that you can “do it later.” But what if later never comes? What if later isn’t available? God wants you to respond NOW. Do what He says NOW. And I promise you won’t regret it.
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1 Comment

Flo - October 8th, 2022 at 11:17am

This is so true! Time passes faster than we think.

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