Your Fate is Sealed

“Whatever has come to be has already been named, and it is known what man is, and what he is not able to dispute with one stronger than he.” - Ecclesiastes 6:10 
Did you know that, as a Christian, you have the privilege of knowing your fate and future long before it ever happens? Unlike some religions where you are constantly working and trying to do good and seal your fate, God operates in an entirely different way.

See, with God, it is not about you. It’s ALL ABOUT HIM. God sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. It is because of Jesus that we can approach the Father and have a personal relationship with Him. That is not because of anything we have done, but all about what He did on the cross.
All we have to do is acknowledge our sinful nature, confess those sins and repent from them, accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, and our fate is sealed! That’s it.

You do not have to do “X” amount of good things and not do “Y” amount of bad things. You do not have to practice rituals or pray a certain number of times per day. It is not something that comes and goes, here one day and gone tomorrow.  

Ecclesiastes 6:10 says, “Whatever has come to be has already been named, and it is known what man is, and what he is not able to dispute with one stronger than he.”
God’s ways do not change. God never changes. He is who He has always been and always will be. And His promises are the same, never changing. As a believer in Christ, you can live with the peace and assurance of knowing you will spend eternity with God in Heaven.

Aren’t you thankful that your fate is sealed? Are you grateful that you do not have to constantly work for your salvation? Once you have given your life to Christ, you belong to Him for all of eternity! Praise Jesus for going to the cross, allowing us to seal our fate with one decision to give our life to Him.  
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1 Comment

Callean Holly - January 13th, 2023 at 8:19am

If I had not been brought up in a Christian church, my take away from this devotion would be "once saved, always saved". I don't think, based on your sermons, this is what you mean. I do understand that you are trying to stress that it's not our works that saves us. But we must TRY. There are changes one must make when they accept Christ. This devotion leads me to believe you don't have to do anything.

I like what you said once, " get into the Word before you get into the World". Not that would be something one needs to do.

Praying that God continues to let you be strong and brave to speak about the TRUTH in the Bible.

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