Posts with the tag “given”

Trusting God to Bless You
by Ed Newton on August 12th, 2024
"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work." - 2 Corinthians 9:8    In a world that often operates on the principle of "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours," it's counterintuitive to serve others without expecting anything in return. However, as followers of Christ, we are called to a higher sta...  Read More
Seeing The Good
by Ed Newton on March 19th, 2023
“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:18  I want you to take a moment and think of all of the good things happening in your life right now. Think about all the blessings that God has set upon you and how He has worked in your life. Far too often, we don’t stop and think about all the good in our lives unless it is some special ...  Read More
A Practical Gift
by Ed Newton on March 6th, 2023
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” - 1 Peter 4:10 Long before you knew God, He knew you. He created you. But even before He created you, He knew what you would become. He also knew the gifts you would possess. Why did He know that? Because He gave them to you! God is the one who has gifted you with spiritual gifts that He wants you t...  Read More
A Purposeful Gift
by Ed Newton on March 5th, 2023
“To another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. All these empowered by one and the same spirit, who apportions to each one individually as He wills.” - 1 Corinthians 12:10-11  As we continue to look at the spiritual gifts God has given us, I want you to un...  Read More
Your Fate is Sealed
by Ed Newton on January 12th, 2023
“Whatever has come to be has already been named, and it is known what man is, and what he is not able to dispute with one stronger than he.” - Ecclesiastes 6:10  Did you know that, as a Christian, you have the privilege of knowing your fate and future long before it ever happens? Unlike some religions where you are constantly working and trying to do good and seal your fate, God operates in an ent...  Read More
Content With Life
by Ed Newton on December 13th, 2022
“Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for He has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’” - Hebrews 13:5  As we continue to look at what it means to “be real,” I want to ask you another important question: are you content with your life? We have talked a lot over the last couple of days about “editing.” Many people now buy apps that allow them to “edit...  Read More
A Spirit of Self-Discipline
by Ed Newton on August 21st, 2022
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-disciple.” - 2 Timothy 1:7   As we come to a close looking at 2 Timothy 1:7, we see the final element of what God has given us. We know He has not given us a spirit of fear. Instead, He has given us a spirit of POWER, LOVE, and SELF-DISCIPLINE.  We have looked at what it means to live in a spirit of power and lov...  Read More
A Divine Appointment
by Ministry Support on August 3rd, 2022
“My times are in Your hands. Free me from the hands of those who hate me, and from those who try to hurt me.” - Psalm 31:15   As a believer in Jesus Christ, the Lord has created you for a specific purpose. He has made you to do amazing things, things you have never thought of or imagined. But to do those things, you have to become the person He needs you to be so you can do what He wants you to do...  Read More

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