An Empty Vessel, Not a Perfect One

"But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us." – 2 Corinthians 4:7  
Have you ever felt like you’re not good enough to be used by God? Like you need to be smarter, stronger, or more “put together” before He can work through you? It’s a common trap, to believe that God is waiting for us to become perfect before He calls us. But the truth is, God isn’t looking for perfection. He’s looking for empty vessels, someone with a surrendered heart that is ready to be filled and used by Him.  

In 2 Corinthians 4:7, Paul reminds us that we are like jars of clay, fragile and imperfect. Yet, God places His treasure, His power, and His Spirit inside of us. Why? To show that the greatness of what He accomplishes through us doesn’t come from our strength but from His. God isn’t impressed by our qualifications or achievements; He’s looking for those who will humbly come to Him, saying, “Lord, I’m empty. Fill me and use me for Your glory.”  
Think about the people God used throughout Scripture. Moses was hesitant and slow of speech, yet God used him to lead an entire nation out of slavery. David was the youngest and least likely in his family, yet God made him a king. The disciples were ordinary, uneducated men, yet they became the foundation of the Church. None of them were perfect, but all of them were willing.  

You don’t have to be a finished product for God to work in and through your life. He’s not waiting for you to reach some imaginary standard of perfection. He simply wants you to come to Him, empty and open, ready for Him to do what only He can. When you surrender yourself to God, you’re giving Him room to fill you with His Spirit, His wisdom, and His power.  
It's time to let go of the pressure that you have to have it all together. God doesn’t need your perfection, He wants your availability. Trust Him to take your empty vessel and use it to pour out His love, grace, and purpose into the world. You’ll be amazed at what He can do when you simply come to Him and say, “Here I am, Lord—use me.”  
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