Eternal Peace

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27). 
Peace on earth—we have all prayed for it. We all wonder how different the world would be without violence or hatred and how different people would be without jealousy or strife.
We all dream about an ideal world where there is no pain, and as we’ve discussed before, there will come a day when Jesus will return, and we will finally know a peace like no other. This idea of having peace on earth is one of the most traditional Christmas themes; however, it’s interesting that Jesus told His disciples, “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Matthew 10:34).
This seems contrary to how we usually think of the birth of Jesus, but our perception of peace is different from that of the Lord. Peace is not the absence of violence or hatred, jealously or strife, but rather the presence of God in the midst of all tribulation.
Jesus did not come to bring peace but a sword—one that would sever belief systems and cause rifts between mankind. But He also says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you” (John 14:27). This is not a worldly peace like that of calms seas and sunny skies. We will be in seasons of treacherous waters and the darkest storms, but that is where we truly find an inner reassurance. That is when we realize the true comfort of God. When there is no security or relief apart from Him, He gives us peace.
As we go throughout this season and reflect on the beauty of the Christmas season, let’s not forget that He Himself is our peace. We serve an intentional God who has done everything to be close to us. We’ve seen His heart for connection with humanity, even becoming human for us and leaving with us His own Spirit to guide us.
He came to save us, but we often forget that He saves us continually—first with salvation, and every day after. He’s constant, never wavering, always present.
We can be peaceful because He is present. That is His gift to us—eternal peace.
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David Leonhardt - December 31st, 2021 at 11:13am

Thank you Pastor Ed, I am so grateful that I have another devotional I can add to my daily dive into the Word, and the fact that it comes from the shepherd who leads the flock I am part of, is a double blessing. See you Sunday. LOBOs!

Marisela Garcia - January 3rd, 2022 at 6:51am

"Peace is not the absence of violence or hatred, jealously or strife, but rather the presence of God in the midst of all tribulation."

That message was in a movie we just watched last night on Netflix called THE SHACK.

It hit home. God doesn't create the hatred or greed or violence in the world. Even so He is there with us yo get us through it with believing in him. Many blame God and turn away when bad happens, but it is not his will. Our father loves us all and it saddens him that HIS children conform to worldly desires. True we must not give in to what the world wants and whats popular, we must give in to God's word and his plan for us. Even if its not what's "in"

I just signed up for your devotionals Pastor Ed. It was mentioned at the 11am service yesterday by the Pastor filling in for you. I immediately downloaded the app. Thank you. God bless and may you and Stephanie feel better soon.

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