The One With the Key

“To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.”
- Revelation 3:7
Have you ever studied the stories or backgrounds of highly successful people? Whether it is a world class athlete, or a wildly gifted artist, or a brilliant computer programmer, so many of them reference their ability to get access to something others were unable to. They knew someone who had a key. Whether it was the school janitor or the mom of a family friend, someone was able to get them in places they could not get themselves into.

It was when they got inside that their creativity or curiosity was sparked. The mastering of skills began. We see in Revelation 3:7, Jesus says to them, “These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.” Take note that in this verse, there is just one key mentioned. It is not plural.

When it comes to each of our lives, Jesus is on the inside of where we need to go. He is telling us that He has opened up the door of opportunity unto us. He opens doors no man can open, no woman can open. He is speaking to those of us who have the purpose of God with the predestined plan of God in their life. God opens doors of opportunity for you because He is the one with the key.

Do you need a door opened? Perhaps you have been blessed with special skills or talent. Maybe you have an itch that you believe God has sparked and wants to use. If so, God will not short you the resources you need to live out His calling. No matter where you are supposed to go or what you are supposed to do, God is the One with the key, and He will open the right doors for you.

Are you currently facing challenges? Are there people opposing you?

Remember, no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Only God can open and close the doors. If you are following Him, you will always be in the right place. You are blessed, because you are following the One with the key.

1 Comment

C - January 29th, 2022 at 5:41am

I get the feeling that I am coming across a lot of closed doors while it can be temporarily disconcerting there is a peace and hope for good. Lately I have been mesmerized by the talent of Elon Musk. Although not a Believer on one of his first space missions he found himself praying that it would not explode. He talks of being hopeful and doing good so there hope for him, I pray that he may become a Believer.

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