God Is In Control

“Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was given a large sword.”
- Revelation 6:4
Yesterday, we talked about the anti-Christ disguising himself as Jesus as he comes down on a white horse with a bow in hand wearing a crown. We know he is an imposter. But why does he even have this power? Revelation 6:4 says, “Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other.”

Power? To make people kill each other? If this is not Jesus, how does he have the power to do this? As I preached the sermon on Revelation 6, my wife, Stephanie, said something very powerful. She told me, “I’ve listened to you preach this, but do you know what stood out to me? Do you know what I kept hearing you say?”

And then she proceeded to say, “Everything was God giving permission to these horses. Satan is not in control.” See, the verse says, “its rider was GIVEN power...” Who gave that power? God did! God is allowing all of this. Of course, He is going to come in and bring judgment upon the anti-Christ, Satan, and all the demons. We talked about that yesterday.

But the only reason they can do anything in the first place is because God has given them permission. And the same is true today. No matter what difficulty or hard times you might be going through, God is still in control. Maybe Satan continues to tempt you, or you have fallen into his traps and are caught between a rock and a hard place.

No matter what the situation is, God is still in control. Satan doesn’t control your situation. You are not too far gone. Satan is not going to bury you in your problems or bad decisions because he is not the one in control. God is! And because of that, no matter where you are or what is going on, you can get out! Are you in debt over poor choices? Do you have an addiction you can’t seem to break? No matter what it is, God is in control. So seek Him, and He will help you get out!

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1 Comment

Sandi - February 7th, 2022 at 5:36am


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