Trustworthy And True

“The angel said to me, ‘These words are trustworthy and true. The Lord, the God who inspires the prophets, sent his angel to show his servants the things that must soon take place.’” (Revelation 21:6)

Yesterday, we talked about “the things that must soon take place.” There is an urgency we should live with as we move forward in this life with a heavenly mindset. But there is something at the beginning of the verse that we overlooked yesterday. It says, “The angel said to me, ‘These words are trustworthy and true.’”

Over the course of this Revelation series, as we have spent almost 14 full weeks talking about it, there is a lot to digest, a lot to think about. I have challenged you the last couple days on what you can do with all the knowledge and wisdom Revelation can give. We have been challenged to live with a heavenly mindset, to remember that eternity is forever and ever...and ever, and these things that Revelation shows us must soon take place.

What you also must remember is that these words are trustworthy and true. You might be thinking, of course they are. God does not lie. And while we say that, do we really think about what has been said? Spend time thinking about what the tribulation will be like, and if it is soon, who are the loved ones you know who might experience it, if it came today?

The things we have talked about, from the power of God, to the dependency on Him, to the destruction Satan will cause, all of it is trustworthy and true. None of this is made up, and it will all happen. What does that mean for you? For everyone who reads this, your answer will look a little different. But it is definitely something we must give thought to. And these thoughts should make way for us to live with an urgency and heavenly mindset.

But there are other things we have talked about that should also affect how we live. What part of “These words are trustworthy and true”give you a different perspective on life? Now what will you do with that perspective? Implement it now, because the verse finishes with, “the things that must soon take place.”

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