A Season Well-Lived

“Don’t neglect to do what is good and to share, for God is pleased with such sacrifices” (Hebrews 13:16)

When we are in the middle of a rough season, it’s very easy to have a misery mentality. We get the blues. It can be difficult to give our time and attention to others and their needs when we are struggling.

Taking care of yourself is important, but it’s also important not to neglect others during a trying season.

We can sometimes have the mentality that because we are suffering, we can’t give our help to those around us, whether they be complete strangers or our own families. It can be easy to fall into the entitlement trap of feeling like everyone owes us something because we’re struggling, and oftentimes, we close up our hands and our hearts thinking that until our season of struggle is over, we have nothing to give.

There is always something to give. And there are people around you who need your presence in their lives and who need your encouragement even if you yourself are dying for some encouragement. If you are walking through a difficult season currently, remember that closing yourself off from others will only cause you bitterness. Thinking that everyone should be serving you while you’re in a difficult place will only make you feel more empty.

Don’t neglect to do good things. Don’t neglect to serve those around you and love on people even if they don’t reciprocate. God loves a cheerful giver, and that doesn’t just refer to money. He loves a heart that gives to others. He loves it when we serve others without reservations. The Lord honors these things.

It’s hard to have a giving heart when we feel that so much has been taken from us, but you’ll be amazed at what the Lord can do with a heart set to serve. While you’re waiting, while you’re praying for that breakthrough, that miracle, that blessing, help someone else. Be there for others who may be going through a desert season, too. Bear one another’s burdens. Lend a hand, even if they don’t lend one back—it’s okay, the Lord sees your efforts and He’ll never forget.

He will make it rain in the desert, but until then, live well in the season you’re in. He’ll meet your needs. He takes care of His children, but while you’re learning patience and growing deep and becoming stronger, don’t neglect to give.

God loved so much that He gave.

Let us learn to love so much that we give regardless of where we are.
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