2 Full Years

“The chief cupbearer, however, did not remember Joseph; he forgot him. When two full years had passed, Pharaoh had a dream…” - Genesis 40:23-41:1

Over the last few days, we have looked at how Joseph successfully rejected to sleep with Potiphar’s wife. “Successful,” in this case, is relative to his obedience to God. However, Joseph was not successful when it came to his responsibilities. Potiphar’s wife used the cloak she grabbed off Joseph as he ran away as “evidence” he tried to force his way onto her,

Even though this was not true, Potiphar believed his wife and had Joseph put in prison. He was in prison for quite some time when two men had a dream for him to interpret. Joseph successfully told them what their dreams meant and told them when they took the dreams to Pharaoh to tell him of Joseph so that he could get Joseph out of prison.

But the man forgot about Joseph. And so, “When two full years had passed, Pharaoh had a dream…” Once Pharaoh had this dream, the chief cupbearer, whose dream Joseph had helped interpret, remembered Joseph and told Pharaoh about him…“two full years” later.

Think about it, Joseph had done everything right. He did not ask for the circumstances he was in. He did not ask to be Potiphar’s servant, but he did the job the best he could. He did not ask to be put in prison for a lie, but he still did his best and helped the two men by interpreting their dreams.

And yet, it was two full years later before he was able to get out of the prison. Maybe you feel like you are in “prison.” It might not be actual prison, but you are stuck in a situation that you just cannot get out of. And though you continue to pray and ask God to get you out, for whatever reason, He just isn’t answering your prayer.

Joseph did everything right, and it was still two full years. Wherever you are, there is a reason why you’re there. God is in control. We know He is never late, but He is also never early. He knows the perfect time for you. Joseph was rewarded once he got out, in a big way. Trust God’s timing. He’ll always come through, right on time!

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