A Second Without Hope

“Let us thank the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was through His loving-kindness that we were born again to a new life and have a hope that never dies. This hope is ours because Jesus was raised from the dead.” - 1 Peter 1:3 
John Maxwell wrote a book titled, “Think on These Things.” In the book, there is an entire chapter dedicated to hope. In the chapter, he gives a quote that has since become very well known. The quote goes, “It’s been said that a person can live forty days without food, four days without water, four minutes without air, but only seconds without hope.” 
Hope is at the center of our being. There are many things we hope for. We might hope for a future relationship with a significant other. We hope to one day have our dream job. We hope to have children or grandchildren. We hope to live in the big city or maybe we hope to live in a rural area. There are many things we hope for. We are always hoping for something, and usually for a lot of somethings.  
But what about our eternity? Is that not the most important hope we can have? We hope to one day spend eternity in heaven. But if God the Father didn’t send Jesus, we would be hopeless. If Jesus didn’t fulfill His purpose of dying on the cross, we would be hopeless. If the Holy Spirit didn’t raise Jesus from the dead…you got it, we would be hopeless.  
But it is because of Jesus that we can one day experience heaven. If He never came, we would be on our way to hell. But because Jesus did come to save us, rescue us, and change us, hell is NOT our destination! 
When you choose to give your life to Jesus, heaven is your home! You can live with an overwhelming sense of hope that one day you will be with God in heaven because you have given your life to Him. That is the ultimate hope we have in Jesus!
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1 Comment

Flo - July 16th, 2022 at 8:55am

Thank you Jesus!!!

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