Open Heaven

“He saw heaven open up and something like a large linen cloth being let down to earth by the four corners.” - Acts 10:11 
I want to ask you a question. If you set on a journey to go somewhere, to do something, to become something, and you had no idea where to start, who would you try to talk to? Who would you go to for information?  
It is always cool to find a new hobby or passion that you like. Once you find it, you want to learn everything you can about it. Maybe you even set some goals around it. You decide “I want to become the best _____ in my city, state, country…” You might have high hopes, but you know you still have so much to learn. 
So that brings us back to the original question, who are you going to learn from? If you had unlimited contacts, who would you reach out to, pick their brain, and study under? My guess is you would pick someone who has already been there. If you wanted to play in the NBA, you might want to pick the brain of Michael Jordan or our very own, Tim Duncan. If you wanted to be a cook, you might say The Pioneer Woman or Gordon Ramsey. 
The names would change, but it would likely be the same for whatever you chose. You want to learn from those who have been there before. That is why there is no better person to learn from about how to get to heaven than the one that came from heaven: JESUS! 
Acts 10:11 says, “He saw heaven open up and something like a large linen cloth being let down to earth by the four corners.” When he says he saw heaven “open up,” it is an affirmation. He is letting us know the King of Glory laid down His crown and His royalty to come to earth. 
See, we think of Jesus being born in the manger, but what we don’t realize is that Jesus was already alive in heaven. That is where He came from! The Gospels are so rich because they “pick the brain” of someone who has already been there. Who better to show us how to get to heaven than Jesus? He came down to earth from heaven just to save us!
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