Do You Realize The Worth?

“Because of this, I say to you, whatever you ask for when you pray, have faith that you will receive it. Then you will get it.” - Mark 11:24 
There was a man named Danny Simpson. You might have heard of the name. Danny Simpson was arrested for robbing a bank. As he robbed the bank, he accumulated six-thousand dollars. Just as he was running out the door, the police tackled him. What they found was quite interesting. 
When they investigated what took place, they realized that the gun that was in his left hand, a gun that he had used as a weapon to provide the stick up to get the six-thousand dollars in his right hand, was a 1918 Colt .45 handgun made by Ross Rifle Company. That gun was worth over $100,000. 
Now you don’t have to be a mathematician to understand what was in one hand was way more valuable than what was in the other. He robbed the bank for $6,000 when he had a gun worth $100,000. You say, pastor, that is crazy…but why are you telling us this story? 
Like Danny Simpson, sometimes YOU don’t realize the worth of what you’ve got in your hand. It is not just about what is in your hands, but what is in your heart. The worth of having the Holy Spirit, of having access to the all-powerful Creator of the universe, being able to call on His name at any point… 
And yet we worry about if we are going to get the job. We worry about if so and so “likes us.” We worry if we are going to live out our dreams or the purpose God placed inside of us. Do you know who you have access to 24/7? The all-powerful Creator of the universe, the One who made everything we see, every person we talk to, and every dream we have ever thought. 
Do you realize the worth of what is in your hand, right now?
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1 Comment

Florence - July 26th, 2022 at 6:00am

This really brings the reality home!! How great is our God!

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