A Divine Appointment

“My times are in Your hands. Free me from the hands of those who hate me, and from those who try to hurt me.” - Psalm 31:15 
As a believer in Jesus Christ, the Lord has created you for a specific purpose. He has made you to do amazing things, things you have never thought of or imagined. But to do those things, you have to become the person He needs you to be so you can do what He wants you to do. 
But don’t worry, you are not left with a blank canvas trying to figure out who God wants you to be. He will orchestrate or allow circumstances, situations, and people into your life that will shape who you become and grow you into the person He has designed for you to be.  
Some moments might be more significant than others. Some moments are divine appointments. What does that mean? There are times when God will bring you into situations that are designed to shape who you are going to be and what you are going to stand for. Remember, God orchestrates or allows these situations to come into your life, but He does not force you into a specific choice. 
God has given you free will to choose who you are going to be. These divine appointments are in place to give you an opportunity to grow, change, improve, or reshape who you are going to be and what your life is going to look like.  
The kicker is that we do not choose when these divine appointments pop up in our lives. Psalm 31:15 says, “My times are in Your hands. Free me from the hands of those who hate me, and from those who try to hurt me.” 
Our time is in God’s hands. When He deems it time, you will be in just the right place, in the right moment. You will have a divine appointment that God set for you, from before you were even born. How you respond is up to you! Are you ready for your next divine appointment?
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