“This promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away—all who have been called by the Lord our God.” - Acts 2:39 
When you pursue God’s plan and purpose for your life while remaining obedient to Him, you will win. You can confidently claim victory because the God you serve only knows victory. How can we be sure? Because He has the POWER to do anything He wants and He PROMISES that we, too, can share in that victory with Him.

Acts 2:39 says, “This promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away—all who have been called by the Lord our God.”
If you are a child of God, you not only have access to His power, but you also have access to the promises of God. The Bible is filled with thousands of promises. And when you are obediently pursuing the will of God, He will give you promises that you can stand on.

When God promises you something, it is sure. In fact, Joshua 21:45 assures of this when it says, “Not a single one of all the good promises the Lord has given to the family of Israel was left unfilled; everything He had spoken came true.”
God did not fail on His promises with the people of Israel, and He will not fail on the promises He has given you. If God has promised you something, you can take it to the bank. You can be sure that He will do exactly what He says He will do.

Because we have the POWER and PROMISES of God, nothing can stand against us. No man, beast, or circumstance can keep us from achieving the will of God. If you are His child, you have access to the very power and promises the Bible speaks of. Claim that power, claim your promise, and fulfill God’s destiny in your life.
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