Someone To Hear You

“Like a gold ring or an ornament of gold is a wise reprover to a listening ear.” - Proverbs 25:12 
If you are a follower of Christ, you need a community. Everyone needs people in their lives, but as believers, we are commanded by God to have others walk beside us through this difficult journey we call life. It is not always going to be easy. And when it gets difficult, we need others in our corner.  

As we continue to look at the reasons why we need a community, I want you to understand the actual importance of having people you can go to and turn to when life gets hard. A community provides encouragement. They provide wisdom and experience. But they also provide ears.  

That’s right, the people in your group have ears. And that is important because that allows them to hear you. Sometimes, we just need someone to hear us. Yes, they can bring a lot of value that can often give us solutions to our problems. They can encourage us to turn things around or give us wise advice. And all of those things are great. But sometimes we just need someone to listen to our story, to feel our pain, and to HEAR us.  

In a world where everyone is so consumed with themselves, it is nice to have someone who is paying attention and wants to hear what is going on in our lives.  

Proverbs 25:12 says, “Like a gold ring or an ornament of gold is a wise reprover to a listening ear.” I think you would agree that having someone to listen to us truly is as great as a gold ring.
Yet so many believers miss out on this because they do not have a community around them. Do you have a group of people in your corner? Do you have people who will just simply listen to you talk? That hear you when you speak?  

If not, you are missing out! And you need to find a community to support you, now!
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1 Comment

Elizabeth Brickley - December 23rd, 2022 at 8:02am

This speaks deeply to me. In the past I had "friends" in name only. I didn't share my struggles out of fear that I would be judged. I praise God that I have a pastor (yes, that's you,Pastor Ed) that is so transparent and vulnerable with our congregation. I attend Celebrate Recovery at CBC and have found my tribe, my safe people, that I can truly share life with. We can't do this journey alone. God created us to be in fellowship not only with Him but with others. Much love!

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