How Are You Loving?

“And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” - Ephesians 5:2 
Earlier this month, all around the country, people celebrated LOVE. More specifically, they celebrated a romantic love for a partner. Love always seems to be on the brain a little more than normal when February rolls around. So what better time than this month to stop and think about how we are loving others?

Are you loving well? I know it’s a weird question to ask. But like anything else, it’s good when we can stop and evaluate how good of a job we are doing loving people. This could be a romantic partner, a family member, or even a friend.
At first, it is always easy to go above and beyond when you are in love. Think about the first valentine you ever had. You probably wanted to buy everything you could. You got them chocolate, flowers, and a teddy bear, and you wrote them a sweet card. You might have picked the nicest restaurant you could afford and made reservations.

You went all out because it was new and fresh. But what about after a few years go by... 5 years in...10 years in...even 20 years in? Are you still showing your love as strongly? Most people will say, “Well, no pastor, it’s just not fresh anymore. But I do love my partner more than I ever have.”
Many happily married people will tell you they love their partner more now than they ever have. Yet they don’t always show their partner this. What are you doing to show your partner how much you love them?

It might be in the form of gifts, but it might not. Maybe it is doing an act of kindness that would show them your love. Maybe it is a compliment or form of appreciation, letting them know how thankful you are for them. Maybe it is in the form of physical affection, just a hug and a kiss that acknowledges how much you love them.
How are you showing your love to the people in your life? Don’t take for granted that they know how much you love them. Tell them, today. After all, we have a Heavenly Father who loves us more than we can even comprehend. Over and over the Bible talks about how much God loves us and how deep His love is for us. But it never gets old hearing that, does it? In the same way, we should be reminding those we love just how much we love them. You just never know who needs to be reminded just how much they are loved!
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