Are You Looking?

“For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” - Matthew 7:8 
Are you looking for the opportunity you have been waiting for? Sometimes, we can get so caught up in “waiting” that we think we do not play a role. The Bible talks a lot about waiting. And there are even times God wants us to sit back and let Him do the work.  

In those times, He wants to show you that He is in control, He has the power, and He can do it without your help. But other times He wants you to act. Sometimes, God doesn’t want you to sit back and wait. He wants you to take action!
I believe there are a lot of people who miss their opportunity because they aren’t looking for it. So when the opportunity finally comes, they aren’t ready to act. Instead, they just continue to mope and pout that their opportunity will never come.  

The problem isn’t that it won’t come; the problem is that they will miss it because they aren’t looking for it. Matthew 7:8 says, “For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.”
Did you catch that? The one who ASKS... RECEIVES. The one who SEEKS... FINDS. The one who KNOCKS... THE DOORS OPEN UP. In other words, “take action, and you will find what you are looking for.”

Sometimes, we can get caught up in listening to people say, “don’t pursue what you want, pursue what God wants for you.” But when you are actively studying God’s word and communicating with Him, what you want and what He wants for you become one and the same.
This is when He opens the doors for whatever you ask because what you want is what He wants for you. Perhaps the only reason you don’t have it yet is because you haven’t asked, sought, or knocked.  

Are you waiting on your opportunity? Are you waiting on a blessing from God? Have you looked for it? If not, that might be the reason God hasn’t given it to you yet.
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