What He is Doing

“And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.” - Colossians 3:15 
When you change your perspective from a glass-half-empty mindset where everything is going wrong in life...to a glass-half-full attitude of gratitude, your life will change. When your perspective changes, it allows you to see things the way God sees them.  

And as you see them His way, you will become more thankful for all that He has done and is doing in your life. One reason we can be thankful is for what God has done in our life. But we can also be thankful for what He is doing RIGHT NOW.
Many people wait until the blessing has been given or the trial is over to be thankful. They thank God after the fact. They go through the hard times, trials, and challenges all frustrated and impatient, and as soon as they are out, they are thanking God, “Oh Lord, thank you so much.”  

But why can’t you thank Him now? He is working in your life RIGHT NOW. That thing He is bringing you through? He is working on it right now. That bad habit you are in the process of breaking? He is working right now. The chapter of your life that you are waiting on God to deliver you from? He is working on it right now.
So why only be thankful after the fact? God is a God of promise. He will deliver to you anything and everything He promises. If He told you He would do it, He will do it. So why do you need to wait to thank Him for it?

Thank Him NOW. Thank Him for what He is doing in your life TODAY. When your perspective changes, your life will follow suit. Don’t wait; thank God for the way He is working in your life at this very moment.
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