Ask Questions

“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” - Philippians 2:4 
When was the last time you listened to someone talk about something that you had little to no knowledge about? Maybe it was even something that you would never call an interest of your own, and you genuinely stopped to listen to what they were saying. And you even went as far as asking them questions about it.

It’s amazing when you find out what someone’s passion is, and you let them talk about it, how much they can go on. They can talk about it for hours. You can hear the passion in their voice. Their whole disposition changes. They enjoy talking to you, and truthfully, you aren’t even talking.
You’re just letting them carry on about something most people don’t want to listen to. That person might not have many people in their life who will actually have a conversation about their passion.

I want to encourage you, when you find someone’s passion, don’t just let them ramble on, ask questions. They will be thrilled to see someone actually cares. Philippians 2:4 says, “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”
Don’t miss this. It’s not about how much you care about the subject. What matters is that you’re caring about the PERSON. When you ask questions, the other person knows that even if the topic of conversation isn’t your passion, you genuinely care about them because you’re showing interest in something that’s important to them.

If you want to make an impact for Christ and really have an influence on people, it starts with caring about them. There is an old saying, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
When you ask questions, you show people that you care about them. This will take your relationship to the next level and give you the platform or influence you need to make a real impact in their lives.  

Who knows what is on the other side of a question?
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