Outside The Limits

“Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?” – Jeremiah 32:27 
Are you limiting God? Have you put a cap or lid on what you think God is capable of in your life? If so, I want to warn you: be careful. The God we serve is bigger than anything we could possibly imagine. You have absolutely no idea what He is capable of.

Unfortunately, we look around at what is “normal.” We think of the status quo and any “outliers,” are only that, outliers. They are exceptions to the rule. But that couldn’t be us. God couldn’t do that in our lives…
Why not? Why couldn’t God do “that” in your life? Jeremiah 32:27 says, “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?”  

The God you serve is bigger than the problems you face. The God you serve is bigger than the dreams you have. The God you serve is bigger than the enemies standing against you. Why do you limit Him?
God is outside of our limits. You can’t put Him in a box. It doesn’t work like that. God can do anything He wants. He is still in the miracle business, regardless of what anyone wants to say. I want to challenge you today to let go of your limiting beliefs.

Stop putting limits on what you think God can or cannot do. Instead, pray with a type of faith that believes anything is possible because, with God, it is. God goes outside the limits you and I put upon Him.
Aren’t you thankful our God has no limits? Aren’t you thankful there is nothing He can’t do? Praise the limitless God we serve today, and then ask Him for the type of faith that knows no limits.
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