Loving God Above All

"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple." - Luke 14:26  
The word "hate" can be jarring, especially when we hear it in the context of our relationships with others. But when Jesus tells us to hate our family members and even our own lives, He's not advocating for actual hatred. Instead, He's illustrating a crucial principle: the supreme importance of loving God above all else.

In a world filled with distractions and competing priorities, it's easy to let other things take precedence in our lives. We may find ourselves chasing after success, seeking approval from others, or pursuing pleasure, all while neglecting our relationship with God.
But here's the truth: God desires—and deserves—to be the primary focus of our hearts and lives. He wants us to love Him with a passion that surpasses any other affection or attachment.

What does it mean to love God above all? It means prioritizing Him above everything else. It means seeking His will above our own desires. It means finding our identity, our purpose, and our fulfillment in Him alone.
But it also means loving others well. Jesus Himself commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves. So, loving God above all doesn't mean neglecting our relationships with others; rather, it means loving them through the lens of our love for God.

When we love God above all, everything about our lives gets better, healthier, and more fulfilling. And while it may require sacrifice and surrender, the rewards far outweigh the cost.
I want to challenge you today to examine your priorities. Are you loving God above all else? Are you seeking Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength? Are you allowing His love to transform every aspect of your life?
If not, it's never too late to make a change. Surrender your heart to God and watch as He fills you with a love that surpasses anything this world has to offer. Remember, when God is truly #1 in your life, everything else falls into place.
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