He is Never Early

Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! - Psalm 27:14

Have you ever found yourself impatiently urging God to hurry up? Perhaps you're waiting for a breakthrough, a blessing, or an answer to prayer, and the waiting feels unbearable. In those moments, it's tempting to wish for God to act quickly, to intervene before it's too late. But the truth is, God's timing is perfect—even when it means waiting longer than we'd like.
Just look at the story of David in the Old Testament. After being anointed as the future king of Israel, David faced years of trials and hardships before ascending to the throne. At times, he must have wondered why God was delaying His promise, why He wasn't ushering in the fulfillment of His word sooner.

In 1 Samuel 24, we find David hiding in a cave, pursued by King Saul who sought to kill him. Despite being anointed as king, David was still living as a fugitive, his destiny seemingly out of reach. In a moment of desperation, David's men urged him to seize the opportunity to kill Saul and take the throne by force. But David knew better. He recognized that God's timing was perfect, and he refused to take matters into his own hands.
Instead of rushing ahead of God's timing, David chose to trust in the Lord and wait patiently for His promise to be fulfilled. In due time, God honored David's faithfulness, exalting him to the throne of Israel and establishing his reign as one of the greatest in the nation's history.
David's story reminds us that God's timing is not early, nor is it late—it is perfect. He knows the harm that can come from receiving blessings too soon before we are ready to steward them well. He understands the dangers of rushing ahead of His plan, seeking quick fixes and instant gratification. And so, He calls us to wait patiently, to trust in His wisdom and sovereignty, even when the waiting feels agonizing.

I want to encourage you to trust in God’s perfect timing, knowing that He is working all things together for your good and His glory. Wait for the Lord, be strong, and take heart, for His timing is perfect, and His promises never fail.
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