Adding Kindness to Your Bag

"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."- Ephesians 4:32 
Kindness is one of those qualities that seems simple on the surface but can be challenging to put into practice. It’s easy to be kind to those who are kind to you, but what about the ones who aren’t? What about those who don’t seem to deserve your kindness?  

That’s where the true test of this fruit of the Spirit comes in. Adding kindness to your spiritual bag isn’t about whether someone has earned it, it’s about you being kind because that’s what God has called you to be.

God’s call to kindness goes beyond our natural instincts. We live in a world that often operates on a principle of reciprocity—you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. But the kindness God calls us to show is different. It’s unconditional. It’s a reflection of His own kindness toward us, a kindness we didn’t earn and could never deserve.  

Let me ask you a question, how do you respond when someone doesn’t treat you well? Do you withhold kindness because they don’t deserve it? Or do you choose to be kind anyway, knowing that God has shown you immeasurable kindness, even when you didn’t deserve it? This is where kindness becomes more than just a nice idea, it becomes a powerful witness of God’s love.
Kindness isn’t about the other person; it’s about who you are in Christ. It’s about letting His love flow through you, regardless of how others behave. When you add kindness to your spiritual bag, you’re choosing to rise above the pettiness and selfishness that can so easily take over in difficult situations. You’re choosing to be a vessel of God’s grace and love, bringing light into dark places.

Is kindness something you need to add to your bag today? If you find yourself struggling to show kindness, especially to those who don’t seem to deserve it, ask God to help you see them through His eyes. Remember, kindness is not a reaction, it’s a decision. It’s a choice to reflect the heart of God in every interaction, no matter the circumstances.
Let kindness become a natural expression of who you are in Christ. When you do, you’ll not only impact the lives of those around you, but you’ll also grow closer to God, becoming more like Him in the process. And that’s a reward far greater than any kindness you could ever receive in return.
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