The Power of Empathy

"Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep." - Romans 12:15  
There are moments when God allows us to go through hardships so that we can help others who are walking down the same difficult path. When you’ve been through it, you understand the pain, the fear, the uncertainty—it’s familiar because you’ve experienced it yourself.  

But what about the times when you haven’t? What about when someone is going through something that’s entirely foreign to you? How do you show up for them when you can’t possibly understand what they’re feeling?
This is where empathy becomes so important. Empathy isn’t about knowing exactly how someone feels or having all the right words. It’s about caring enough to try to understand what they’re going through. You might not know what it’s like to face their struggle, but you can still come alongside them, acknowledging their pain and offering your support. It’s not about having experienced the same pain, it’s about recognizing that they are hurting, and choosing to care.

Too often, we rush to judge or assume we know how we’d respond if we were in their shoes. But the truth is, you don’t know what it’s like until you’ve lived it. And sometimes, the most loving thing you can do is to set aside your assumptions, and your desire to fix things, and just be there. Listen. Offer a shoulder to lean on. Let your heart be soft toward their suffering, even when you don’t fully understand it.
When someone’s world has been turned upside down, they don’t always need answers. They need someone who will show them compassion. Empathy opens the door to that kind of care. And in those moments, God can use you to be a source of strength, comfort, or encouragement, even when you don’t share their specific experience.

Let God lead you to be what they need in that moment. Whether it’s a listening ear, a prayer, or just your presence, you can be a reflection of God’s love for them. Empathy isn’t about having all the answers. It’s about showing that you care deeply, even when you haven’t walked in their shoes. So today, let your heart be open to someone else’s pain. Be present. Be understanding. And let God use you to make a difference, starting with empathy.

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