Seeing Others Through God’s Eyes

"With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God." – James 3:9
When you grasp the truth that you are made in the image of God, it transforms how you see yourself. But it doesn’t stop there, it also transforms how you see everyone else. Every single person you encounter, no matter who they are or where they come from, bears the image of God, just like you. This truth changes the way you interact with the world.  

In a world full of division, judgment, and criticism, it’s easy to forget the sacredness of every life. People may frustrate you, disagree with you, or live in ways you don’t understand. But none of that erases the fact that they were created by the same loving God who created you. Their worth isn’t based on their success, their choices, or their beliefs, it’s rooted in the fact that they reflect the Creator.  
When you start seeing others through this lens, it shifts how you treat them. It becomes harder to dismiss someone, speak harshly about them, or hold onto resentment. You can be reminded that they are valuable, not because of what they do, but because of who they are, a person made in God’s image. This doesn’t mean you have to agree with everyone or overlook sin, but it does mean you’re called to show respect, love, and kindness.  

Think about the people in your life who are hardest to love. Maybe it’s a co-worker, a neighbor, or someone who has hurt you. Ask God to help you see them as He does: as His creation, bearing His image. Let this truth soften your heart and guide your words and actions.  
Living this way is countercultural, but it’s what God calls you to do. When you honor the image of God in others, you reflect His heart to the world. You become a living example of His love, showing people their worth even when they don’t see it themselves. Today, let the truth that every person is made in God’s image shape how you speak, act, and love. It could change not just how you see others, but how they see God through you.
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1 Comment

Cory Elder - December 7th, 2024 at 8:13am

I really don’t know how to even explain this but it’s stuff like this that makes me think “This is MY church”. Thank you Pastor Ed. Blown away again this morning.

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