Posts with the tag “protect”

Stop Hiding Behind Fear
by Ed Newton on February 22nd, 2025
"For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." - 2 Timothy 1:7 Have you ever held back from stepping into something because of fear? Maybe you were afraid of failing, disappointing others, or not living up to expectations. Instead of taking the chance, you played it safe. You recommended someone else, procrastinated, or talked yourself out of it. Not because you did...  Read More
The Freedom of Obedience
by Ed Newton on November 4th, 2023
"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." - James 1:22   Obedience is the mark of a heart prepared for God's transformative work. It's the willing surrender to His commands, recognizing that true freedom and blessings come from aligning your life with His will. Obedience is not a burden but a pathway to abundant life. James 1:22 reminds us, "But be doers of the word, ...  Read More
God Protects You
by Ed Newton on February 19th, 2023
“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.” - Proverbs 18:10  As a child of God, there are things God actively does on your behalf. Sometimes, we make the mistake of thinking He is just some distant deity that is up on His throne waiting to reign down judgment on all that do not live up to His law.  But that couldn’t be further from the truth. While there ...  Read More
Praying For God’s Favor
by Ministry Support on June 18th, 2022
“May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands.” - Psalm 90:17How frequently are you praying for God’s favor? As a believer, I have great news for you: God FAVORS you! He wants to give you His favor as you search and seek out His will for your life. But God does not force anything upon us. Following His will, choosing His...  Read More
The One Who Returned
by Ministry Support on June 9th, 2022
“But one of them, seeing that he was healed, returned and, with a loud voice, gave glory to God…Then Jesus said, “Were not 10 cleansed? Where are the nine? Didn’t any return to give glory to God except this foreigner?’” (Luke 17:15-18).There is power in thankfulness. When you do a favor for someone and they are genuinely thankful, your heart feels full, doesn’t it? It’s a wonderful feeling when so...  Read More

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