Overcoming Evil

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21).  
The last verse in Romans chapter 12 tells us to overcome evil by doing good. There’s a lot you can dig out of that little statement. We must overcome the evil of the world, but what is the evil of the world? By definition, evil is anything that goes against God and His Word. We must overcome this evil, not by shaking our fists at the world, not by complaining about the world, and not by living in our own bubble trying to ignore the world. We overcome this evil by doing good.

The “good” that is described here refers to the other 20 verses in Romans chapter 12—all the verses that came before this last one. We overcome the world by living out the good described in Romans 12.  

We must present ourselves as living sacrifices to God, refusing to conform to the world, but instead, we use our gifts to encourage the church and help change a dying world. We are to let our love be genuine, hating what is evil, clinging to what is good, loving with brotherly affection, outdoing one another in showing honor. Let’s be quick to help, be patient in tribulation, and constant in prayer. We’re called to have hearts of hospitality, blessing those who persecute us, rejoicing with those who rejoice, and weeping with those who weep. We must live in harmony and not have haughty spirits or be wise in our own estimation. When we are wronged, we are to forgive our debtors and not seek revenge. We bless our enemies, feed them when they’re hungry, and give them a drink when they’re thirsty.  

We overcome evil by doing good.  

His commands are our life.  

Put them everywhere. Write them on the doorposts of your house, on your mirrors, on a note you put in your kids’ lunchbox, on the get well-card you send a friend. Say them during prayers. Teach them to your kids. Live your life surrounded by His words so that you remember your purpose. Overcome evil by doing good.  

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