A Treasured Song

“And Mary said, ‘My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has looked on the humble estate of His servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name’” (Luke 1:46-9).

It seems like the enemy tries the hardest to rob us of peace and joy when it is most imperative that we have them. If there ever was a time when the children of God should live a life full of peace that surpasses all understanding and have uncontainable joy because of their new life in Christ, it’s now. The world believes that there’s only cause to live peacefully when there’s peace, and there’s only cause to have joy when their circumstances are joyful.

The children of God are meant to be different. We are set apart—we are a chosen generation. We are peaceful when there is no peace. We are joyful when there is nothing joyful. Why? Because Christ is the Prince of Peace, and His joy is our strength.

In the time we’re living in, there’s not much peace in the world, and people are finding it harder and harder to see joy in their lives because everyone’s circumstances aren’t ideal. Just like in Mary’s day, we live in a world full of calamity, chaos, and confusion. But Mary, in the middle of turmoil and while the Roman Empire ruled with an iron fist, glorifies God and chooses to believe in His promises.

From a worldly standpoint, Mary is in more danger than anyone because she’s carrying the Son of God, but in faith, she’s safe. In the midst of wars and hatred and fear of death, she sings a song of faith. Rather than letting the enemy rob her of peace and joy, she holds on to hope and sings about her Father’s great strength.

In this time of trouble and in seasons of tribulation, don’t let Satan steal your song. Don’t let the enemy set foot on your doorstep. Don’t let your adoration for Him be tainted by hardship. We are people of faith who find light in dark places and help others along the way. Praise is our greatest weapon, so when there seems to be no peace and no joy can be found, start praising Him for everything He’s brought you through. Count your blessings and remember how He’s never abandoned you before—and He’s not about to start now.

Live out your song of praise and treasure it—your Father hears you.
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