The Wisdom of Seekers

“After Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, wise men from the east arrived unexpectedly in Jerusalem, saying, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him” (Matthew 2:1-2). 
Throughout Scripture, the Lord has used the influence of symbols to communicate with humanity. Before Jesus came to earth, humans could not know God tangibly—they could only see evidence of Him through creation and see the signs and symbols that the Lord used to make Himself known to a world that could not see Him.
The most notable sign possibly in all of Scripture is the symbol of the star that led the wise men to Jesus. For centuries, mankind used the night sky for guidance. It was their map, their calendar, and their constant reminder that a heavenly divinity must exist. Humans have looked at the night sky in absolute wonderment, seeking wisdom and understanding both in the natural and the supernatural. So God put a sign in the sky for His seekers. He gave the wise men—a group of very educated and knowledgeable men—something to follow. He made them curious.
We look at the symbol of the star today, and we realize that God showed this sign to wise men, because wise men and wise women still seek Jesus. It really doesn’t matter if you’re well-educated in academics or well-versed in theology, because all that really matters is that you seek Him with your whole heart. Remember Colossians 2 when Paul says, “All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Him” (verse 3).
Think back to December 21st of 2020 when everyone was so interested in the Christmas star, or the Bethlehem star. It was an astrological phenomenon. People both Christian and non-Christian were so intrigued by this, and so many were going outside to catch a glimpse of this Bethlehem star, bringing their kids out in the backyard, researching the significance behind this alignment of Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn.
Just think of how many people heard about this big star that was meant to show up on the night of December 21st of 2020. Think about how many Christians looked up that night and their hearts aligned with heaven. And think about how many people who had never given Jesus a thought or who had walked away from the faith looked up that night and caught a glimpse of the power and intentionality of God.

The prophet Isaiah wrote, “Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your radiance” (60:3). Nations are still coming to the light of the Lord. People from every tribe and tongue are still seeing His radiance for the first time because they have sought Him.

Wise men and women still seek the Lord.

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