Permission for Victory

“When he had called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Messiah was to be born” (Matthew 2:4).
It’s interesting how enemies of God believe that they can disrupt the will of God. People are threatened by Jesus, yet they deny and doubt His power and presence.

King Herod wanted no part of Jesus. He wanted to ensure that the Messiah would never grow up, so he initiated a genocide, having baby boys 2 years old and younger killed. He was terrified that the prophecy of the Messiah is true, so he devised a plan to try and thwart God’s will.
The will of God will be done. People can try to hinder His plan and change His mind, but His will has already been set in stone. He will accomplish it regardless of the enemy’s devises and the dark wars that wage against the people of God.
Even when His children doubt and fear the future and all the unknowns, His will is not predicated on how much we doubt. His will is what it is—it’s forever and eternal. As His children, we often wonder if we will mess everything up if we make a mistake. Will we ruin everything if we make the wrong choice? But we just aren’t that powerful. Our actions have consequences, of course, and we must learn to grow in wisdom and discernment so we can make good decisions, but we cannot ruin God’s will.
If King Herod could not hinder God’s will, we surely can’t ruin it. Romans says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). When our hearts are set on Him and we acknowledge Him in all that we do, He has grace when we mess up or misunderstand. We are not enemies of God, but sons and daughters, and just as we discussed previously, we are not here alone. We have a great Helper who stays with us always.
We’re told that, “when he, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13). We have One who guides us; One we can trust to help us accomplish His will without fear of failure.
We’ve been given a Spirit not of fear, but one of power, love, and self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7); therefore, we have been given permission for victory. There may be those who are against you, but you have a God who goes before you. Just as He went before Mary and Joseph, He’s prepared a way for you to escape your enemies.

No schemes from the Devil can ruin His will for your life, and with your heart in sync with His, you can never disrupt Him. You are safe in His hands.    

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