Heavenly minded

“Set your minds on the things above, not on earthly things.”
(Colossians 3:2)

Have you ever heard the phrase, “they are so heavenly minded they are of no earthly good.” The idea is exactly what it says, that when you are thinking ahead to heaven, you are of no good in the present moment. But in fact, if you are heavenly minded, you’ll be of great value on this earth.

See, Colossians 3:2 would say, “Set your mind on the things above not on earthly things.” When we have an understanding of eternity, the choices we make on this earth are impacted. This is because eternity is much longer than our time on this earth. When we are focused on eternity, we will make a much greater influence on this earth.

Over these last 14 weeks, we have spent a ton of time talking about what is coming. We have talked about a new heaven and new earth that will be created. And when we think about all that is coming, what are we doing now to be prepared for this day? See, our time on earth is so short. Psalm 90:12, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

Regardless of how many years you live on this earth, it pales in comparison to eternity. It is like a speck of dust. And that is what God wants you to remember. Keep perspective. Your days are numbered. This is not to say that you only have a few left. But it is a few in relation to heaven. So the question is, are you using these “few” days for that which will matter in eternity?

And what will matter in eternity? It is simple: it will matter who is there. In the end, it won’t be about how much money we made or where we lived. God won’t care how many Instagram followers or TikTok views you had. The only thing that will matter is who is there and who is not. God wants you to live with a heavenly mindset. I pray today that this is the mindset you take with you!
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