Buried Treasure

“Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:19).

In 2007, Lake Okeechobee in Florida experienced a severe drought. This lake is the second largest lake in the state, but it was dangerously low, and people were in a panic because it hit a record drypoint.

The dry season ended up being a blessing, though, because once the lake’s level receded, the ground revealed over 500 years of natural artifacts—millions of dollars worth of national treasure—buried under the water that never would’ve been found.

God uses what we thought was a curse and turns it into a blessing.

There are things buried in our desert places that we have yet to find. There are treasures that we have yet to uncover, and the only One who can reveal them is the Lord. He must let the water recede so we can see what’s beneath it.

You might feel like you’re never going to make it out of your season, and perhaps you’re even angry that He’s taken something from you. Maybe He took away your security, your comfort, your plans, and now your life looks nothing like you thought it would, but He lets certain comforts recede so that the treasure can come up.

We serve a God who gives us more than what He takes away when we choose to trust Him. He’s not going to let you go hungry out in the desert. He hasn’t forgotten about you. Perhaps you feel that everyone else has been rescued from their desert, but you’re still stuck. Maybe you even feel that He’s doomed you to this season for the rest of your life. Maybe you’re just not meant to live in abundance.

Those are nothing but lies. You might not get everything you’ve ever wanted, but you will get what He knows you need, which is more than material gain. Too often we associate being blessed with being rich, but it’s not the same. God blesses us in more ways than just monetary and material gain. Your treasure could be something you never knew you needed.

Don’t give up the hope that a change is coming. You’ll get there. He’s doing something new right now in your life. Keep watching, keep trusting.

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