A Hard Fall

“…The purpose is that none of you will be inflated with pride in favor of one person over another. For who makes you so superior? What do you have that you didn’t receive?” (1 Corinthians 4:6-7).

How many times have we won an award or had a major accomplishment, but our egos become too inflated as a result?

The moment we are on the mountain top, that’s when we are most positioned to fall. When God gives us a blessing or we receive what we’ve been praying for, we often forget that we didn’t do these things on our own—anything we have, we’ve been given.

We’ve been looking at the story of Jabez and how he prayed to God that He would redeem his life. Jabez asks the Lord to uphold him and that He would keep him from harm. In Proverbs, we’re reminded to guard our hearts because everything we do comes from them (Proverbs 4:23). So when we’re asking God for blessings and for His favor, we need to ask for God to guard our hearts against pride.

No Christian is immune from pride, arrogance, or evil. We are tempted with these things daily. If we aren’t careful, our blessings become our idols—the very thing we’ve prayed for can become our poison. We must know our tendencies, know the trajectory of our hearts, and pray that God keeps us from falling into pride.

There’s an enemy that’s out to destroy you, and one of his favorite tactics is to trick you into thinking you have what you have because of what you have done. Look at how good you are.

You have what you have because God has given it to you. You received because God gave.

When God elevates us, let us not forget to be humble. The enemy will try to twist our blessings into accomplishments, but even on our mountain tops, we need to be on our knees. Let us realize that at our highest point, the devil is coming for us to make us fall. The higher you are, the harder you fall.

Let us be on guard against our pride. Let us know the tendencies of our hearts to waver from the path and walk blindly into sin. As the Lord lifts us up, let us ask for His protection so that our blessings would not become our downfalls.

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