The Way, The Truth,

“Jesus said, ‘I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one can go to the Father except by Me.’” - John 14:6 
A missionary in Brazil went to an unreached people group and began to share this message of hope in a village that was facing a pandemic. People were dying day by day, and this missionary wanted to help.  
There was a hospital in this area on the other side of the river, but the village didn’t know about this hospital nor would they cross over this river that the missionary crossed over to find it. This was because they believed that the river was filled with demons and evil spirits and that the river represented death.   
They wouldn't drink, bathe, or even fish from the river. When the missionary comes to the village, he tries to invite them to the river. But they only stand and watch from a distance. The missionary gets into the water to his ankles, and he tells them it's safe. He wades out a little bit farther, he splashes water in his face, safe. Finally, he comes up with an idea to convince them that this river called death has no victory.   
He goes underneath the water, holds his breath for what felt like a minute, then finally he popped up on the other side of the river where he was inviting them to go. As he comes up out of the water with his fist clenched, he began to pump his hand in the air with victory. Victory has been run over the death of the river! 
What he was trying to communicate to them was something bigger, that this is what Jesus came to do. Just like the missionary, Jesus came to this earth, He crossed over the river of death, and made a way for us to get to the other side. He shows us that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. 

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