The Regulars

“Be happy in your hope. Do not give up when trouble comes. Do not let anything stop you from praying.” - Romans 12:12 
Are you consistent in your relationship with God? At restaurants, they have a name for those who visit a lot; they call them “the regulars.” They have their regular order and often come at their regular time. When it comes to your relationship with the Lord, are you a regular?  
Do you regularly pray? Do you have a specific time you have carved out that you dedicate to the Lord in prayer? Do you dedicate a certain time to reading Scripture? Do you regularly read this devotional or another devotional? Whatever it is, are you a regular? Or are you just in it from time to time?  
Maybe you only attend to God when you’re “feeling it.” But like anything else in life, having a strong relationship with Christ, one that you are growing in, requires discipline, consistency, and you guessed it…regularity. 
God doesn’t just want you to “fit Him in.” He wants to be your top priority. This is why we tithe. God wants your FIRST 10%, not just whatever you have left to give. If you want to grow in wisdom, spiritual maturity, sound decision-making, and your other relationships, it starts with consistency in your relationship with the Lord. 
I want to challenge you this week to set a time that you are going to read Scripture and pray to Him. Dedicate just 10-15 minutes of your day to Him. No phone, no distractions, just you and the Lord. As you start to show up regularly, you will notice growth start to happen. 
Like anything, improvement takes work, and results don’t always come right away. God wants the same commitment you give to your hobbies to show up in your relationship with Him. God is saying today, “It is time to show up. It is time for you to become a regular!"
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