Not Yet

“This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: The people are saying, ‘The time has not yet come to rebuild the house of the Lord.’” - Haggai 1:2


There is a time for everything. As we discussed yesterday, when you align your goals and plans with the will of God, you are bound for success. At that point, success is inevitable. God will see it through. But I want you to hear me right: success is INEVITABLE, not IMMEDIATE.  

You might be saying, “Pastor, I know what God has called me to do. He has made His will for me crystal clear. I have aligned my purpose and plans with His. I have made my goals His goals for me. I am doing exactly what He has called me to do. But I do not see the blessings He promised. I do not see the success you are talking about.”

If you can relate to this statement above, I want to encourage you; you are on the right track. If you remain faithful to Him, your blessings and success will come. But that does not mean it comes immediately. Listen, God does not always bless us the second we become obedient. It often takes time to reap the rewards of our labor.

You have likely heard the phrase, ”you reap what you sow.” But there is more to it than that, You reap WHAT you sow. You reap MORE than you sow, and you reap LATER than you sow. Did you catch that? Not only do you reap what you sow... but MORE. When you are obedient to God, the blessings you receive are greater than the work you put in.

But there is one more part. You reap LATER, not immediately. Sometimes, what you are waiting for is still coming, it’s just not here yet. If you are faithfully waiting on God, and you feel like He doesn’t hear you, you’re wrong. He hears you. He is not saying “No” He’s simply saying, “Not yet.” Your time will come! Stay patient and stay faithful! That “Not yet” will in time turn into “YES.”

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