The Heavenly Prize

“I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” - Philippians 3:14 
For about a week now, we have dived into Philippians 3:12-14 where Paul describes his mentality of pressing on towards the goal. Paul is laser-focused on pursuing God’s will for his life above all else. And that is exactly what we are called to do.

God wants us to make His goals our goals. He wants us to give our lives to Him and let His purposes for us prevail. Now that is not easy in a world filled with so many distractions. We live in a world full of temptations, a world that gives us access to pretty much anything and everything we could ever want.  

So, if that is the case, why would we want to pursue God’s will? Why would we pursue what He wants, when we can get whatever we want? This might sound like a silly question, but have you ever actually given thought to it? Why, if you can access whatever you want, would you chase something else?  

Paul answers that in Philippians 3:14. He says, “I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” You might be saying, “Yeah, pastor I get the verse, but how does that answer why I should pursue God over my own interests?”  
Because what Paul understood was that the HEAVENLY PRIZE is far greater than the earthly prize. Look, in this life, you can gain many things: fortune, fame, wealth, legacy, women (or men), status, houses, cars... you name it, there is a way to obtain it.  

But none of those things will compare to the heavenly prize God has in store for you. What God wants to give you is far greater than what the world can give you. You might have heard that, but do you believe it? Test Him. Test God and find out just how much greater it is. Pursue His will and find the heavenly prize that is greater than anything you will ever attain here on earth!
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