
“My child, don’t go along with them! Stay far away from their paths.” - Proverbs 1:15

Have you been mislabeled? Maybe you have started a club, a company, or a youth sports program. You have a mission for what you want to do and a reason for why you are doing it. But for some reason, the message has gotten lost. And now, you or your brand has been mislabeled.

Maybe it is for a lack of trying to hear you out. Maybe you are someone that does things a little differently, but instead of others seeking to understand you better, they call you “weird” or “unusual.”  

It could be that God made you that way. It could also be the path you have chosen as you follow and remain obedient to God. Being “different” is definitely not a bad thing. In fact, Proverbs 1:15 says, “My child, don’t go along with them! Stay far away from their paths.”

Nowhere in Scripture will you see God say, ‘Just go along with the status quo,’ or, ‘Follow what everyone else is doing.’ As Christians, we are called to be different. We are not to act like this world, because we are not like this world. And that is okay!

As you obediently pursue God’s will for your life, there is a good chance that at some point or another, you will be mislabeled. And that is okay. Most people do not even look for explanations or try to see the meaning behind our actions. They see quick snippets of our lives, and they come to drastic conclusions.

Your job is not to appease the masses. You should not consume yourself with the labels others place on you. God calls you to be obedient to Him above all else. He will take care of the rest. Do not focus on a label, but instead, focus on the Lord. He will take care of everything you need.
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