God’s Gym

“Fear not, For I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” - Isaiah 41:10 
I want you to imagine for a second that you’re a gym owner. You own the nicest gym in town. It’s got all the bells and whistles. Any piece of equipment you could ever need, your gym has it. Now, you are talking to a friend who is interested in getting a membership.

You sell them on your gym and why your space is the perfect place for them. They seem completely bought in, as if they are about to sign up right then. But then they hit you with something you didn’t see coming.  

They say, “your gym sounds great. It sounds like the perfect place. My only concern is I’m overweight. I bet all the people at your gym are already fit. I think I’m going to work out at home, and maybe after I’ve lost 20... 30... or 40 pounds, then I’ll come to your gym.”
This sounds crazy, right? The whole point of your gym is to do exactly what they are talking about. You know your gym can help them reach their goals and help them get where they want to be much faster than doing workouts on their own.  

Now let’s change the story. What if God is the gym owner, and you are the friend? Have you ever found yourself trying to “lose the weight” before you sign-up for God’s gym? Many people think they have to get it right on their own before they can go to God.
They are too embarrassed. “Pastor, if you only knew what I had done. If you only knew my past.” But what if I told you all believers have a past? Every one of us has sinned. We all fall short of God’s glory.

The gym isn’t a place for you to come after you have gotten fit. It is the place for you to get fit! And God is the same way. You don’t come to God after you have it all figured out. None of us can figure it out without Him.
God is where you go TO FIGURE IT OUT. He is the One who can help you turn it all around. Don’t wait to get fit first. Let God get you spiritually fit. You need Him. Don’t wait to come to Him. He is ready for you, just as you are!
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