Never Forsaken

“And those who know Your Name put their trust in You, for You, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.” - Psalm 9:10 
Before He died, Jesus was forsaken. Judah betrayed Him. Peter lied about knowing Him. And yet, Jesus still died for their sins. He died for the sins of those who abandoned Him. He died for the sins of those who mocked Him, and He died for the sins of us still living today.

Jesus was forsaken so that we wouldn’t be. Psalm 9:10 says, “And those who know Your Name put their trust in You, for You, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.”
Jesus died knowing that one day you would sin against Him. Not once, but day after day after day. Yet He still died for you. He was abandoned so that you wouldn’t have to be, because now, even when you sin, there is hope.

The Bible reminds us that if we repent and turn from our sins, He is faithful to forgive us. And when we seek Him, He will not forsake us. You serve a God who will never abandon you, who will never leave you.
Though we as human beings left Him right before He did the most incredible act in human history, He chooses to never leave us. Aren’t you thankful for the love of Jesus?  

Oftentimes, we come to read daily devotionals to help encourage us or challenge us in our current circumstances. But I want you to stop where you are.  

Today, let’s not make it about us. Let’s stop and thank Jesus for what He did for us on the cross. For dying the death we deserved to die. For never abandoning us, even though we abandoned Him. Jesus is faithful. Aren’t you thankful for what He did? Aren’t you thankful that no matter what, He will never leave nor forsake you?
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Elaine Maurette - April 3rd, 2023 at 7:04am

Thanks so much for your wonderful devotionals every morning. My husband and I recently attended CBC and have watched most if not all your YouTube videos. We will be making CBC our home church.

Maryalice Garcia - April 4th, 2023 at 1:30pm

Pastor Ed you n this church have made a great impact in my life I love to praise n worship for my god

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