More Done

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.” - Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 
Do you know why it is so important for you to have “your people?” You know…that group of people around you to walk with you through life? I have a profound thought and idea as to why it is so important. Are you ready for this?

Two people can do more than one person. You can get more done with two than with one. That’s crazy, isn’t it? Now, you might be thinking “Well DUH, pastor!” But if it is so obvious, why do we try to do everything on our own?  

Why do we not ask for help? Why do we not involve our people in the things God is calling us to do? As we discussed yesterday, God never intended for us to go through life alone. He wants you to find “your people” so that you can help strengthen each other in your walk with Christ.
We said yesterday “iron sharpens iron.” This isn’t just what we said, God says so in the book of Proverbs! But it’s not just to strengthen each other; it’s because we can get more done with more people.  

Again, that seems so obvious but so many people don’t live by this concept. Think about what it is God wants you to do. Did you know, no matter who you are, God has an AMAZING plan for your life?  

If you don’t think that plan is amazing, you don’t know how big it is yet. If you realize how big it is yet, you probably are overwhelmed because of what? YOU REALIZE YOU CAN’T DO IT ALONE!
But that’s OKAY. Because God doesn’t expect you to do it alone. He knows what He is asking is really big. He will provide the opportunities, the resources, and the people to make His plans possible.

What He wants you to know is that you can’t do it alone. You need others. Remember, the more people you have, the more you can get done.  
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